The Life Clean Up project present in “2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course”
During the days 25-28 of September, the researcher belonging to the UCAM, project coordinator, Vicente Gómez, attended the "2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course" at the University of Salerno Fisciano (Italy) on the occasion of the presentation of the Life Clean Up Project poster: "Reducing the environmental impact of the meat industry by a novel cyclodextrin / pulsed light system to eliminate pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater"
Durante los días 25-28 de Septiembre, el investigador perteneciente a la UCAM, coordinador del proyecto, Vicente Gómez, ha asistido al “2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course” en la University of Salerno Fisciano (Italy) con motivo de la presentación del poster del Proyecto Life Clean Up : “Reducing the environmental impact of meat industry by a novel cyclodextrin/pulsed light system to eliminate pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater”.